From the Walla Walla Statesman, July 30, 1898.

Death of Simon Dewitt

 Died, at the hospital at 11 o'clock today, Simon Dewitt aged 55 years, after a short illness of typhoid pneumonia.

 The deceased had been a resident of the county since 1862 and was a cousin of Oliver Dewitt, of Dry Creek, and also of Mrs. Sallie Stanfield.

 He owns considerable property in Columbia county.

 W. D. Wallace and wife, of Columbia county, Mrs. Wallace being a sister of the deceased, are in the city making arrangements for the funeral which will occur on Sunday.

Additional research by WWHC shows that, assuming Simon Dewitt was also known as H. S. Dewitt, he and cousin Oliver Dewitt, both farmers, maintained a residence together on Sumach near Idaho (now Park Street), according to city directories from the 1890's. Note also that other information indicates he was born in August of 1838, which would make him nearly 60 years old at his death, rather than 55 as stated in the obituary.